

The EmbryoScope is the best time-lapse system in the world for observation of embryo development, while maintaining stable embryo culture conditions.

Each and every embryo at GRFC is cultured in an EmbryoScope. This has been critical in GRFC achieving the highest success rates in the country, whether it be IVF, ICSI or PGD.

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  • The EmbryoScope

    In the past embryologists had to remove embryos from the incubator to perform brief evaluations of their development. The evaluation time allowed was therefore limited to avoid stress to the embryo.

    EmbryoScopes allow the team to monitor embryos through the full course of their development. The specially designed EmbryoScope incubator (with a built-in camera and microscope) takes an image of embryos every 10 minutes. As a result, time-lapse videos of individual embryos are generated over 3-5 days.

    During the entire 3-5 days embryos remain in the EmbryoScope and stay undisturbed in their stable culture environment. By watching when and how the embryos divide, the clinic’s embryology team can assess if development is taking place normally.

    Success rates

    A prospective randomized control trial compared culture and selection using the EmbryoScope time-lapse system to traditional culture and evaluation. The trial documented a relative increase in ongoing pregnancy rate of 23% while early pregnancy loss was reduced by 36%.

    Glasgow Royal Fertility Clinic is committed to ensuring every patient benefits from the EmbryoScope.


Our full price list can be found here for download. Should you have any questions about the fees, please contact us on 0141 956 0509 and speak to a member of staff.